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June 1, 2024

IRCC Extends 2,985 Invitations to Express Entry Candidates After Month-long Break

IRCC Extends 2,985 Invitations to Express Entry Candidates After Month-long Break People hoping to immigrate as trained workers finally have good news after a month of worrying. Canada’s Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship (IRCC) has brought back the Express Entry system and, on May 30, 2024, sent Invitations to Apply (ITAs) to 2,985 Express Entry candidates.

This is good news for a lot of people who depend on this program to build their future in Canada. Since draws had stopped, many Express Entry candidates didn’t know what would happen with the program in the future. The latest draw, on the other hand, shows that things are back to normal and gives people who want to live in Canada permanently new hope. Let’s look into this draw in more depth and see what it means for people who want to move to Canada.

A Break and a Come Back

The last Express Entry draw was on April 24, 2024, and many Express Entry candidates were not sure what would happen next. The IRCC hasn’t said what the reason for the break was in public, but the latest draw shows that things are back to normal for the program.

Express Entry Candidates

A Focus on What Each Province Needs

The most recent draw was for people from the Provincial Nominee Program (PNP), a part of Express Entry that is designed to meet the needs of each Canadian region. The lowest Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score needed for this draw was 676. This shows that the chosen Express Entry Candidates have good qualifications and skills that provinces that are participating are looking for.

Examining the Express Entry Draw Outcomes

The findings of this draw will help people who apply again in the future. In this draw, Express Entry candidates with a minimum CRS score of 676 were invited. However, historical data shows that the CRS cut-off score can change based on the number of candidates and the size of the pool.

Immigrating Skilled Workers

The start of Express Entry again is good news for skilled workers who want to live in Canada permanently. Moreover, it shows that IRCC is serious about using this well-established immigration scheme to bring in talented people. Although the backlog in Canadian immigration remains a problem, This draw provides many Express Entry candidates with a much-needed push.

Express Entry is a way to get permanent residency

The Express Entry system handles applications from skilled workers who want to live in Canada permanently based on their skills. A points method called the Comprehensive Ranking method (CRS) is used to rank candidates. It takes into account things like age, education, work experience, and language skills. People who get the highest marks on the CRS are sent Invitations to Apply (ITAs) for permanent residency.

How to Get Through the Express Entry Process?

If you want to be an Express Entry candidate, you need to know about the draw results and the minimum CRS scores. Furthermore, you get the most out of your CRS score through schooling, work experience. And language skills can greatly increase your chances of getting an ITA. Additionally, professionals who work with immigration can provide valuable advice throughout the Express Entry process.

Read more:

The start of Express Entry draws again is a good sign for skilled worker entry to Canada. Express Entry candidates can improve their chances of getting a call to apply for Canadian permanent residency by staying informed. And making their profiles look their best, and maybe even getting professional help.

Connect with us

Schedule an appointment with us HERE if you need a licensed ICCRC immigration consultant to represent your application and streamline your path to Canada.

Don’t let the intricacies of the Express Entry system hold you back from achieving your Canadian dream. Contact Vlink Immigration today for a free consultation! We’ll work closely with you to develop a personalized immigration strategy and help you navigate every step of the Express Entry process. Let Vlink Immigration turn your dream of living and working in Canada into a reality.

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