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May 31, 2024

IRCC Launches 2024 Parents and Grandparents Program with 35,700 Invitations

An important goal for the Parents and Grandparents Program (PGP) has been met this year. Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) has promised to send out 35,700 letters over the course of two weeks in 2024. The Canadian government is committed to family reunification. And this big rise from previous years shows how serious it is about making the PGP easier for Canadians who want to bring their loved ones to the country.

IRCC hopes that the Parents and Grandparents Program 2024 will help them handle a large number of applications. They aim to eventually approve at least 20,500 full applications for permanent residency. This big goal shows that IRCC is working to make the PGP process easier. And its main goal is to use this program to bring in new permanent residents. By making it easier to apply and having clear goals, IRCC is working to make the immigration system more responsive and effective, with a focus on keeping families together.

Increased Number of Invitations

A good thing has happened for the Parents and Grandparents Program this year. Over the course of two weeks, the IRCC will be sending out 35,700 letters in total in 2024. This is a big jump from past years, and it shows that the Canadian government is serious about reuniting families.

Parents and Grandparents Program

Taking care of applications and meeting goals

With the Parents and Grandparents Program 2024, the goal is to handle a lot of applications and eventually approve at least 20,500 full applications for permanent residency. This shows how committed IRCC is to making the PGP process easier and using this program to welcome new permanent residents.

Who Can Get an Invitation?

People who are citizens or permanent residents of Canada and are at least 18 years old can fill out an Interest to Sponsor form for the PGP. However, getting an invitation from IRCC is very important before applying for funding.

Understanding the Criteria for Eligibility

Those who want to sponsor someone for the Parents and Grandparents Program in 2024 must have filled out an Interest to Sponsor form in 2020. They must not have received an invitation in the four years prior (2020, 2021, 2022, or 2023). Additionally, they must meet certain financial requirements. This demonstrates they can afford to support their sponsored family members financially once they arrive in Canada.

How to Apply: More Than Just an Invitation

If IRCC sends you a highly sought-after offer, good luck! This is the first step in the process of getting sponsored. The next important step is to send in a full sponsorship application for your parents or grandparents. This must include a number of papers and proof that you meet all the requirements.

Other ways to bring families back together

It’s important to know that processing times can change for the Parents and Grandparents Program, which is a way to get permanent status. The Super Visa program lets parents and grandparents visit Canada for long periods of time. This is a shorter-term option.

Key Things to Think About When Staying Informed

Staying up-to-date on the Parents and Grandparents Program is very important for people who want to support their parents or grandparents. It is strongly suggested that you check the IRCC website often for changes to processing times, eligibility requirements, and application processes.

Better Times Ahead for Families

The start of the Parents and Grandparents Program 2024, with many offers, gives hope to many Canadian families who want to reunite. By carefully planning, understanding the requirements. And knowing how to navigate the application process, families can take a big step toward a better future together in Canada. Additionally, staying informed about the latest updates can further aid in making the process smoother and more efficient. Therefore, with the right preparation and information, Canadian families can look forward to a brighter future together.

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Connect with us

Schedule an appointment with us HERE if you need a licensed ICCRC immigration consultant to represent your application and streamline your path to Canada.

Ready to reunite with your Parents and Grandparents Program in Canada? Don’t miss this opportunity! Contact Vlink Immigrations today to get expert guidance and support throughout the PGP application process. Let us help you navigate the requirements and ensure your application stands out. Reach out now and take the first step towards bringing your family together in Canada!

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