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July 13, 2021

Largest Ontario Expression of Interest draw announced: Ontario announced the recent EOI Draw in which a total of 1,685 international students and temporary foreign workers were invited for provincial nomination. On 13th July, Ontario announced 3 major draws of PNP which targets international students, foreign workers and candidates in rural communities. In this recent draw, total 1,685 candidates who had their profiles in the EOI i.e. Expression of Interest pool were invited. This has ben the largest number of invitations that got issued in 2021 for the Employer Job Offer stream. These candidates may qualify for either 1 or 2 Employer Job Offer Streams. Read More

April 28, 2021

The movement streams that are exchanging over to an EOI enlistment framework used to work like hurried seating. Ontario would open their web-based interface to acknowledge enrollments from individuals who needed to move through one of these Ontario PNPs.

Due to mainstream interest, these enrollment windows normally endured a couple of moments before they would turn out to be full. There were various different issues, the OINP needed to have a committed email address for individuals who experienced specialized challenges that influenced their enlistment, and some griped that the framework was out of line to individuals with moderate web associations. Read More