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December 13, 2023

Your Essential Immigration Checklist for Coming Back to Canada: Unlocking a Smooth Return

Your Essential Immigration Checklist for Coming Back to Canada: Unlocking a Smooth Return: Returning to Canada is a significant chapter in your life, whether it’s for the first time since your arrival or a nostalgic homecoming. The anticipation of reuniting with familiar places and faces is palpable. However, the complexities of immigration requirements can add a layer of intricacy to the process. Fear not, as VLink Immigration is here to simplify your return with a detailed checklist that covers all essential aspects of immigration.

Immigration Checklist

Embarking on a Homecoming Journey

The end of the year often marks a season of travel, with international students, workers, and permanent residents planning their return to Canada after being away. As this exciting journey unfolds, it’s essential to pay attention to the finer details that can impact a smooth return. VLink Immigration stands as your guiding beacon, presenting a comprehensive immigration checklist to ensure your seamless transition back to Canada.

Understanding Your Eligibility for Canadian Immigration

Returning to Canada is a seamless process if you ensure your eligibility. Carry your original travel and immigration documents, showcasing your authorization to enter and stay in the country.

Differentiating Between Visa and Permit

For newcomers, recognizing the distinction between a visa and a permit is crucial. While a visa facilitates entry, a permit determines your residency conditions. Ensure both are up to date for a smooth travel experience.

Documents Required for Students

International students must have original copies of:

  • Passport (valid at entry)
  • Student visa (within the passport)
  • Study permit

Quebec-bound students may also need to present their Quebec Acceptance Certificate (CAQ) upon entering the province.

Documents Required for Workers

Workers in Canada require original copies of:

  • Passport (valid at entry)
  • Work visa (within the passport)
  • Work permit

Depending on the permit type, workers may need to show a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) for re-entry.

Documents Required for Permanent Residents

New permanent residents need original copies of:

  • Passport (valid at entry)
  • Permanent Residence (PR) Card (valid at entry)

Those without a PR card can apply for a Permanent Residence Travel Document (PRTD) for single-entry use.

Latest Immigration Articles: 

Canadian Border Service Agency (CBSA) Declarations

While the entry documentation remains consistent, important considerations exist:

  • Declare assets exceeding $10,000 CAD.
  • New permanent residents enjoy tax-free entry for high-value assets during their first landing, with the option to declare assets likely to follow.

Travelling with Restricted Goods and Trusted Traveller Programs

CBSA enforces rules on restricted goods, personal use exemptions, and mandatory declarations. Additionally, VLink Immigration suggests exploring Trusted Traveller Programs for smoother customs processes.

Contact Us: Your Partner in the Journey Home

Returning to Canada is a significant milestone. VLink Immigration‘s guide ensures a hassle-free return by covering every detail. Prepare for your homecoming with confidence, armed with the knowledge to navigate the immigration landscape effortlessly.

For any immigration service needs, VLink Immigration is your trusted partner. With a team of experienced professionals, we offer a wide range of immigration services, from visa applications to permanent residency. Contact us today, and let us help you make your return to Canada a seamless and positive experience.

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