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April 28, 2021

3,893 invitations are issued in British Columbia PNP draws

In the year 2021, British Columbia has issued about 3,893 invitations to candidates in the new PNP draw to apply for their provincial nomination. On April 27, the province held a new British Columbia PNP draw in which 362 immigration candidates are invited. In today’s invitation rounds, British Columbia conducted a general and second draw in which it targeted the retail and wholesale trading managers, restaurant managers, and food managers.

In the general draw, the candidates who received invitations from

  •  Skills Immigration (SI) and
  •  Express Entry BC (EEBC) streams of BC PNP

Mostly, the invitations that were issued were from the subcategories of SI and EEBC streams for the Skilled Worker, International student Graduate, and Entry Level. The minimum scores for that draw ranged between 78 and 95 points. The total invited immigration candidates for this draw were a total of 348.

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The minimum scores for that draw ranged between 78 and 95 points. A total of 348 candidates were invited. A separate draw was held for the candidates who fall under the NOC 0621 or NOC 0631 occupations in which about 14 invitations were made for the candidates with scores of about 113.

British Columbia British ColumbiaRemove term: CRS score CRS scoreRemove term: IRCC IRCCRemove term: pnp draw pnp draw

About British Columbia new PNP draw

The aim BC PNP program is to attract those foreign workers who have high demand in B.C. and want permanent residency status in Canada.

BC PNP generally follows two immigration streams, one is skills immigration (SI) and another is Express Entry in which both the categories are managed by the Skills Immigration Registration System (SIRS) of British Columbia and also these streams are further divided into subcategories. The candidate will be required to register in the account if applying for SIRS. After the completion of registration, the candidate will then get their scores assigned based on their education, work experience, and language proficiency.

Third-largest PNP draw held by British Columbia of 2021

If a candidate receives an invitation then the candidate will get 30 days extra from the invitation date so as to submit a complete application through the online system of BC PNP. After the submission, the candidate will get notified about the decision of the province in about two or maybe three months. You will be eligible to apply to Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) for permanent residency status from the Provincial Nominee Class if the candidate gets the nomination. This nomination has a validation of approximately six months from the confirmation date. A candidate may receive additional 600 points to their Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) if you are a provincial nominee. Thus, you have a high enough score to get Invitation to Apply (ITA) during the federal Express Entry draw. There is no sign observed in the slowing down of PNP draws and their activities in the year 2021 even at the time of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Contact info@vlinkimmigration.com if you are looking for a licensed ICCRC Immigration consultant to handle and represent your application.

We hope you like our article on 3,893 invitations are issued in British Columbia PNP draws. In case you have any queries related to the immigration process to Canada, please feel free to contact us. Our best immigration lawyers in Canada will assess your profile and give you the best suitable options.

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