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December 31, 2022

Economic Mobility Pilot Program Expands To Help skilled Refugees

Economic Mobility Pilot Program Expands To Help skilled Refugees: IRCC has announced the expansion Economic Mobility Pilot Program (EMPP). This means IRCC will fund several partner organizations through EMPP. As a result, 2,000 skilled refugees will move to Canada and help to overcome labor shortages in several sectors. Through EMPP skilled refugees are hired and connected to employers who need workers. IRCC is making all such announcements to fulfill the labor requirements of the country. Further, in the post, we will have a look at more updates on this.

Economic Mobility Pilot Program MPP is expanding

According to the latest updates, IRCC has announced to expansion Economic Mobility Pilot Program. So, in the upcoming years, 2,00 new skilled refugees will be welcomed to the country to help overcome labor shortages in various fields. This will be done by providing funding to partner organizations. The organizations receiving funding through this program are Talent Beyond Boundaries, TalentLift, and Jumpstart Refugee Talent. And these organizations can refer and support candidates soon.

According to Bassel Ramli, Co-Founder and Global Programs Director at Jumpstart Refugee Talent, Canada’s economy is facing labor shortages across multiple fields. Moreover, Jumpstart will support employers in Canada in hiring skilled workers. The government of Canada has reserved $6.2 million to support EMPP partner organizations.

Economic Mobility Pilot Program

EMPP Overview

EMPP is the Economic Mobility Program launched in 2018. It had two phases, one focused on a large group of potentially skilled candidates who can meet Canada’s labor requirements. And, this proved that there are skilled workers who can meet the eligibility criteria of existing economic immigration programs.

Furthermore, the current phase targets settling 500 refugees and their families. This will help IRCC understand the needs of the EMPP program and how to expand it. Additionally, it will help IRCC to know how to maximize the potential of skilled refugees.

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Eligibility Criteria

People who want to migrate to Canada under Economy Mobility Pilot Program need to prove that they are refugees as well as meet the eligibility requirements of any one of the following economic immigration pilot programs.

Apart from this, candidates also need to have a referral letter from one of the partner organizations to apply for EMPP.  Until October 2022, Canada invited 100 skilled refugees along with their families under EMPP. However, refugees who have migrated to Canada through this program have less difficulty applying for permanent residency in the future.

Moreover, refugees settled in Canada through this program enjoys facilities like waiving some fees, proving work experience easily, and can use loans for travel, and settlement needs. IRCC takes almost 6 months to process the EMPP profile.

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We hope that you found this article about the Economic Mobility Pilot Program Expands To Help skilled Refugees informational. If in case you have questions/queries related to any immigration program to Canada, please schedule an appointment with us. Our best immigration lawyers from VLink Immigration Canada will validate the profile as per the Immigration Program which is best suitable for you.


One Reply to “Economic Mobility Pilot Program Expands To Help skilled Refugees”

  1. What is the eligibility criteria for Start-Up Visa Program in Canada says: January 5, 2023 at 5:35 am

    […] Economic Mobility Pilot Program Expands To Help skilled Refugees […]

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