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March 19, 2021

How to apply for renewal of PR card for permanent residence in Canada?

For anyone to get permanent residence in Canada, they must have a permanent residence card or PR card with them. The purpose of the PR card is that it is used by those people who want to return to Canada by using various different commercial modes of transportation like buses, trains, or boats.

PR Card Renewal

In Canada for the person to get permanent residence in Canada, he must have a permanent residence card or PR card. The PR card is used to return to Canada through various different commercial modes of transportation like buses, trains, or boats. Without a PR card, the resident will not be able to board the place. The PR card always needs to be validated so if the applicant’s card gets expires, he can again
apply for the card renewal. The PR card is that which is more like a travel document and is proof that you are the PR when returning to Canada. If your card validation expires then it doesn’t mean that you are no longer a permanent residence in Canada. In this case, all you have to do is just renewal for your card. Apart from the expiration of the card, there may be the case of the card being destroyed or stolen so for this case the applicant will apply for card replacement or for the PR card renewal.


The permanent resident card (PR Card) is mostly issued for five years, but sometimes it is issued to the residence for one year. These Permanent residence cards (PR cards) are issued to the residents who live within Canada. The applicant has to tell everything that has happened before applying for the card renewal. If the applicant is living outside Canada, then he needs to go to the nearest visa office, he needs to apply for the permanent resident travel document (PRTD) for the return to Canada. When the applicant came back to Canada, he can continue with his application procedure.

There are some steps that are to be followed when you are applying for your card renewal:

Step 1: Get your application package of PR card renewal for permanent residence in Canada

In your application, you have to include

  • Photocopy of your current PR card
  • A clear copy of your valid passport and other travel documents
  • two photos of proper format
  • Fee payment receipt
  • Declaration if your card is stolen or lost.

Step 2: Fees payment

You must pay the PR card application fee online.

To pay your fees online, you need:

  •  PDF reader
  • printer to print your receipt
  • Candidate’s valid email address, and
  •   A debit card or credit card for payment

After the payment of fees, print the receipt and include that with your application form.

Step 3: Submission of the application form and get permanent residence in Canada

Before submitting your file make sure

  • you have answered all the questions properly
  • The application form has your signature on it
  • you have included all the necessary documents in your form.

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The cost of a PR card is usually about $50.the processing time for the renewal or replacement of the card is most probably 86 days while getting a new PR card takes about 118 days. So, there is no need for new permanent residents to apply for the permanent resident card (PR card). The applicant needs to be a permanent residence in Canada and have to submit his application to Canada to be eligible for his card renewal. A person is not eligible for a PR card if the government of Canada asks to leave Canada. If the applicant’s permanent resident card (PR Card) is expired or there is the possibility that the card will expire in less than nine months, Or maybe the card is stolen or destroyed then the applicant can apply for the card renewal. There will be a new expiration date on the renewed card. Most of the new PR cards have their validation of probably 5 years.

For more information, you can take reference from the following sites:

Contact info@vlinkimmigration.com if you are looking for a licensed ICCRC Immigration consultant to handle and represent your application.

We hope you like our article on PR card renewal. In case you have any queries related to the immigration process to Canada, please feel free to contact us. Our best immigration lawyers in Canada will assess your profile and give you the best suitable options.

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