Immigration level plans: Canada has revealed its Immigration Levels Plan for the 2024–2026 year, which has the same goals as the years prior. Additionally, according to the proposal, 485,000 new immigrants will admit in 2024, and 500,000 more will admit each year in 2025 and 2026. This methodical strategy takes into account the effects on housing, healthcare, and infrastructure while addressing population stability and economic growth.
PNP New Rules: IRCC Introduces Fresh Guidelines: Every year, each province and territory in Canada has a specific limit on the number of candidates they can invite through the PNP. The federal government allocates nominations to each province and territory based on these limits.
The PNP is a significant pathway through which provinces select economic immigrants who possess the skills, connections, or attributes needed to bolster their workforce and local economy. The responsibility for immigration is shared between the provinces and the federal government. Notably, all Canadian provinces and territories, with the exceptions of Nunavut and Quebec (which has a separate agreement with the federal government), have their own PNPs in place. Read More