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August 7, 2022

Changes In Express Entry To Be Implemented In Early 2023

Changes in Express Entry to be implemented in early 2023: It is known that bill C-19 was proposed by the finance minister of Canada in the parliament. And, the bill has been passed on June 23, 2022. As a result, the bill allows the immigration minister to make changes to express entry. According to the latest updates, the reforms in the express entry will be implemented at the beginning of 2023. So, this post will provide you with complete information about bill C-19 and its impact on express entry candidates.

Overview of Bill C-19

Changes in express entry

Bill C-19 brought changes to the Immigration Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) and gives the immigration minister the authority to make certain groups within the express entry and invite candidates from those categories. At present, there are three categories of express entry:

  • Federal Skilled Worker Program
  • Federal Skilled Trades Program
  • Canadian Experience

As the Bill C-19 has been approved, there are a lot of changes coming to express entry. Hence, the immigration minister can form different groups based on the needs of the country. For example, if the immigration of Canada feels that there is a shortage of truck drivers in Canada, it can simply select truck drivers with suitable CRS scores as there is a separate category for them in the express entry.

Why are the changes in Express Entry to be implemented in 2023?

Immigration Minister Sean Fraser told that before bill C-19, it was difficult to target those candidates in the express entry pool who meet the economic needs of the country.

However, the process of categorizing is not an easy job. It has been already mentioned in the bill that the categories are to be made through the process of public consultation with stakeholders, workers, employers, or other people. Also, the government wants the process of making different categories very transparent. This is to avoid criticism that it could give special-interest groups the chance to influence certain candidates. Therefore, it is vital to have a proper discussion on this and then decide.

All program Express Entry draws on track

Despite all these changes in the Express Entry, the draws for express entry 2022 were not affected. The draws were resumed on 6 July 2022. And the express entry candidates were waiting for this for a long time and had high expectations from it. The CRS score cut-off for the draw on 6 July was 557 points which were already expected to be high. The first draw after a long pause invited 1,500 immigrants to Canada.

Moreover, the next draw on 20 July 2022 invited 1,750 applicants with a CRS requirement of 542 points. Now, Canada will continue to hold all program draws every two weeks on Wednesday.

VLINK Immigration delivers you the best immigration lawyers in Edmonton and Canada.

Schedule an appointment with us HERE if you need a licensed ICCRC Immigration Consultant to represent your application and streamline your path to Canada

We hope that you found this article about Changes In Express Entry To Be Implemented In 2023 informational. If in case you have questions/queries related to any immigration program to Canada, please schedule an appointment with us. Our best immigration lawyers from VLink Immigration Canada will validate the profile as per the Immigration Program which is best suitable for you.

3 Replies to “Changes In Express Entry To Be Implemented In Early 2023”

  1. TEER to replace NOC Code System | What will change in NOC? says: August 14, 2022 at 6:01 pm

    […] check your eligibility for express entry, find out your NOC code. So, to find your NOC CLICK […]

  2. Express Entry Draw Results for Sep 14, 2022 is the biggest so far says: September 16, 2022 at 10:34 pm

    […] those people who wish to get Canadian PR. Candidates who have appreciable CRS scores can apply for express entry by creating an online profile. CRS is the comprehensive ranking system based on what applicants […]

  3. What is 5 Pillar Strategy for TR To Permanent Resident pathway? says: September 27, 2022 at 11:02 pm

    […] already mentioned by the IRCC, it is going to make changes in the Express Entry. This will allow them to invite candidates as per the economic needs of the country. Certain groups […]

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