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December 24, 2022

Express Entry updates To Target Certain Occupations In Early 2023

Express Entry To Target Certain Occupations In Early 2023: Express Entry will go through several changes under Bill C-19 in 2023. Bill C-19 was proposed in the parliament that included the changes to be made in the express entry. And this bill received a Royal Assent on June 23. As a result, IRCC can now invite certain people for Canadian PR through express entry. This is to be done in order to bring economic benefits to the country. So, in January 2023 the government will start targeting certain occupations. In this post, we will discuss the changes to be made in express entry draws 2023.

Target Occupations For Express Entry 2023

Talking about occupations that will be targeted in 2023, the jobs that benefit the economy of the country are on top. The objective behind making these changes in the express entry is to improve the economy. So, now the government is allowed to pick those candidates based on the economic needs of Canada. Instead of inviting candidates with the highest CRS score, the economic factor will now decide whom to invite for permanent residency.

Furthermore, this will be done by consulting with provinces, business councils, and other stakeholders. This will help the government to understand the needs of the country and to avoid partiality towards certain groups. Targeting certain groups will help to boost the country. Apart from this, issues of labor shortages can also be resolved by this practice to some extent. For instance, 6% of jobs in the healthcare sector were vacant in October. And the healthcare system is the most important aspect of a country. To fulfill this labor shortage, express entry draws might target people with healthcare backgrounds in the future.

Express Entry updates 2023

Why Express Entry Is Changing?

Till now, express entry draws were conducted on the basis of  CRS scores where people with the highest score received an ITA. However, the government will start targeting certain groups for the express entry draws. The only reason behind this is the labor shortage in Canada. Canada is not able to fulfill the labor shortages due to an aging population and low birth rate. According to statistics, by 2030 nine million Canadians will reach their retirement age. Moreover, the birth rate is low in the country therefore, the young population is not enough to meet the labor requirements of the country. Hence, international immigrants are important for the economy of the country.

How does it work?

Express Entry is a system designed to grant Canadian permanent residents to foreign workers. There are three streams under the express entry:

The eligibility criteria for all three categories are different. These streams are designed differently for people with different backgrounds. The express entry draws are based on the CRS score. CRS is a Comprehensive Ranking System, where people are awarded scores based on their education, work experience, age, and other factors. And the people who have the highest points are likely to receive ITA early.

Further, to apply for express entry one needs to create an online profile. However, first one must check the requirements of a particular stream and then apply for that. Once you are done creating a profile, you will get your CRS points. And if you will meet the minimum score requirement for a particular draw, you will receive an ITA. After receiving an ITA, you will get 60 days to submit all your documents to IRCC for inquiry.

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We hope that you found this article about the Express Entry updates To Target Certain Occupations In Early 2023 informational. If in case you have questions/queries related to any immigration program to Canada, please schedule an appointment with us. Our best immigration lawyers from VLink Immigration Canada will validate the profile as per the Immigration Program which is best suitable for you.


4 Replies to “Express Entry updates To Target Certain Occupations In Early 2023”

  1. Latest Changes in Express Entry 2023 | Canadian Immigration says: January 28, 2023 at 11:25 am

    […] occupations. This bill got approved on June 23, 2022. As a result, IRCC got the legal authority to target certain occupations in 2023. The reason behind this is to overcome the labor shortages in the […]

  2. New Immigrants Are More Likely to Be Employed Than Canadians Born in Canada says: February 27, 2023 at 9:55 pm

    […] Express Entry updates To Target Certain Occupations In Early 2023 […]

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