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November 30, 2021

How to Get a Suitable Work Permit

How to get a Suitable Work Permit: About the process, most foreigners need a work permit to work in Canada. If you’re not sure, you can check if you need a work permit. Anyone is eligible to apply before entering Canada. However, depending on the country or region you are applying for, you may need to meet the visa office requirements.

Get a suitable work permit for your situation

Employer-specific work permits: An employer-specific work permit permits you to work in Canada in accordance with the terms of the work permit. For example, How long can you work, the name of a particular employer you work for, Where you can work. Before applying for an employer-specific work permit, the employer who wants to hire you must take certain steps and provide either a copy of the Labor Market Risk Assessment for the application or a job number.

Open-work permit: An open work permit permits you to work for all Canadian employers, except for unqualified employers on the list of unqualified employers or regularly offers striptease, escort services, erotic dance, or massages. You can only get a public work permit in certain situations.
Unsure which one to apply for? Find out what kind of work permit you need for your situation.

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Eligibility Requirements of all Applicants

You can submit e-Admission requirements for all applicants Certain requirements must be met, depending on where you apply for a work permit. Regardless of where you apply or what type of work permit you apply for, you must prove to the official that you

  • Will leave Canada if your work permit expires.
  • Can take care of yourself and your family
  • Have enough money to return home while you are in Canada.
  • Have no criminal records. You may be asked to submit a police customs clearance certificate.
  • Do not threaten Canada’s security.
  • Be healthy and carry out health examinations as required.
  • Do not intend to work for employers on the list of ineligible employers who do not meet the requirements. i.e employer who regularly offers striptease, erotic dance, escort services, or erotic massages.

Give the police officer any other documents he or she asks to prove that you can enter the country.

Eligibility requirements when applying from Canada

  • You can only apply for a work permit from Canada if you have a valid study or work permit.
  • Your spouse, life partner, or your parents have a valid study or work permit.
  • You’re eligible for a PGWP and your research permit is still valid.
  • There is a temporary residence permit valid for at least 6 months.
  • You’re waiting for your decision to apply for permanent residence in Canada.
  • You’ve submitted an application for refugee protection.
  • You are a recognized  Convention Refugee or Guardian by the Canadian Immigration and Refugee Commission.
  • And you are allowed to work without a work permit in Canada, but you need a work permit to work for another job. This is not applicable to business travelers.
  • Also, You are a trader, investor, in-house acquirer, or expert as defined by the Canada-US-Mexico Agreement (CUSMA).
Eligibility requirements for applying to the place of entry when entering Canada

You must apply for a work permit before traveling to Canada. However, if you qualify, you can apply for a work permit upon entry into Canada. To apply at Immigration (POE), all of the following conditions must be met:

  • Eligible for Electronic System for Travel Authorization or travel without a visitor visa (determine if a visa is required).
  • Eligible to enter Canada while COVID 19 travel restrictions apply to Meet other requirements depending on the type of work permit you apply for.

Vlink provides you with the best immigration lawyers in Edmonton.

Contact info@vlinkimmigration.com if you are looking for a licensed ICCRC Immigration consultant to handle and represent your application.

We hope that you will like our article on How to Get a Suitable Work Permit. In case you have any queries related to the immigration process to Canada, please feel free to contact us. Our best immigration lawyers in Canada will assess your profile and give you the best suitable option.

One Reply to “How to Get a Suitable Work Permit”

  1. What Is IEC Program And Its Impact On International Immigrants says: December 6, 2022 at 6:44 pm

    […] Experience Canada (IEC) is a program that allows people of age 18 to 35, to come and work in Canada. IEC provides people to work in Canada for 2 years. This program has three different streams and […]

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