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May 20, 2023

Low Grades Can Lead To the Refusal of Study Permit Canada

Canada is currently one of the leading places where international students from worldwide stay for their higher quality education and better opportunities, especially for international students to work and carry out their education simultaneously and for a more effortless transition to permanent residence. However, there has been a new update regarding the Study Permit Canada 2023 this year.

Eligibility to apply for Study permit Canada 2023

Study permit canada 2023

One must fulfill the following eligibility requirements for obtaining their Canadian study permit.

  1. Receive a letter of acceptance from any designated learning institute.
  2. Receive a Certificate Acceptation du Quebec, or CAQ, which is a Quebec Acceptance Certificate if the applicant wants to study in Montreal or anywhere else in the Province of Quebec.
  3. Offer proof of having the substantial financial support to carry out the first year of the tuition, living expenditures, and expenditure for return transportation to the respective home country.
  4. Maintain a clean record. Any applicant with a criminal background or one who poses any kind of threat to Canadian security cannot succeed in receiving a Canadian study permit. In such instances, the IRCC might ask the applicant to obtain and present a police clearance certificate.
  5. Sustain good health. The IRCC might ask for a complete medical examination from the applicant.
  6. The planet also has to offer a satisfaction guarantee that they will leave Canada immediately at the end of their stay, which their study permit authorizes.

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Method of Receiving Permit for Study Quickly

The hassle of receiving a Canadian study permit is undeniably present. But, the SDS, or the Student Direct Stream, is such a program that enables the applicants to receive their permits more quickly and effortlessly. It is for certain international students. This program is applicable to residents from 14 specific countries, and applicants from only these 14 countries can avail themselves of the program of SDS. The 14 countries are as follows.

 1. India
2. Antigua and Barbuda
3. St. Vincent and the Grenadines
4. China
5. Colombia
6. Costa Rica
7. Brazil
8. Morocco
9. Pakistan
10. Peru
11. Senegal
12. Trinidad and Tobago
13. Vietnam
14. Philippines

Current Status Regarding Issuing Canadian Study Permit

Getting a study permit in Canada is mandatory for all applicants wanting to continue their education in Canada. However, recently, the Federal Court has announced that the IRCC, that is, the Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada, can readily and reasonably refuse any applicants applying for Study Permit Canada 2023 if their grades are low from the previous program of study in their core subjects at their core courses, which are linked to their intended study program in Canada.

VLINK Immigration delivers the best immigration lawyers in Edmonton and Canada.

Schedule an appointment with us HERE if you need a licensed ICCRC Immigration Consultant to represent your application and streamline your path to Canada

We hope that you found this article about the Low Grades Can Lead To the Refusal of Study Permit Canada informational. If in case you have questions/queries related to any immigration program to Canada, please schedule an appointment with us. Our best immigration lawyers from VLink Immigration Canada will validate the profile as per the Immigration Program which is best suitable for you.

2 Replies to “Low Grades Can Lead To the Refusal of Study Permit Canada”

  1. List of various BC PNP Skills Immigration streams 202 says: May 29, 2023 at 2:48 pm

    […] Low Grades Can Lead To the Refusal of Study Permit Canada […]

  2. Canada’s New Immigration Program: Filling In-Demand Jobs 2023 says: June 24, 2023 at 4:23 pm

    […] Low Grades Can Lead To the Refusal of Study Permit Canada […]

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